Friday, March 27, 2009

Another Way to Sell Your Ebooks Faster

Like so many other people, I am very interested in things like making more money and having fun doing it, losing some weight, improving my skills in given hobbies and sports. So the first thing I do is look at an ebook's title. If that title looks promising, I'll look forward to ordering and finding the answer. Ideally, the ebook's author will provide a different answer or approach in addressing the issue at hand, rather than the same-old, same-old.

And there-in lies the key. To make an ebook sell faster, avoid including the same old stuff, such as exercising in order to lose weight. As a reader, I already KNOW that! I need some kind of reward for reading the ebook, some kind of motivation --- so give it to me. What I want to know is something like, what exercises can I do that will help me lose weight faster? Have you, the author, tried them? What kind of results did you get? What lessons can you share with me from your experiences? THAT's what I want to know. And not only will I buy that ebook, but I will look forward to future ebooks on that subject. The same is true for other topics as well.

In other words, let me know what's in it for me (for reading your ebook). Will I benefit from a different, but practical way of doing things? And what is your interest and involvement (experience, expertise) in the matter?

So in summary, here are a few things that ebook readers are looking for:

1. A title that promises us a benefit, such as more money, if we follow its advice.

2. Chapters and text that match the title and mention what's in it for me if I continue to read, such as practical advice and a NEW way of dealing with an issue.

3. Easy-to-follow instructions.

4. Brief explanation(s) of what AND didn't work for you. Hopefully, I will be able to avoid your mistakes. Help me to shorten that learning curve and you will practically guarantee yourself a loyal customer.

And that's it!

Dorothy Zjawin is the author of a number of Instructor articles that inspired her published book, Teaching Ideas for the Come-Alive Classroom (Parker/Prentice-Hall). For more ideas, visit her website at

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Starting an EBook Publishing Business Can Make You Rich

What are some of the reasons why you want to start an Internet based business? For most people it's because they're interested in money and freedom. I'm here to tell you that you can find both of those things when you launch an eBook publishing venture of your own.

When you're in business, it means having a lot of responsibilities. The trouble for most entrepreneurs is that they build successful businesses that end up owning them. Let me repeat that in a slightly different way. Instead of you owning the business, the business ends up owning you. How is this possible? It's simple. You create a company that relies on you for its day-to-day survival. If you attempt to take yourself our of the picture, the company you created goes out of business. In other words, it cannot sustain itself without your daily personal involvement.

Now I don't know about you, but for me a big reason for getting into business in the first place was to try and free up more of my time. The beautiful thing about the eBook publishing business is that you don't have to be personally involved in the day-to-day running of the company if you don't want to be.

Stop and think about how important it is that you create a company that can largely run itself. Imagine wanting to go on a one week vacation. Could you do that if you had to deal with customer service e-mails on a daily basis? Odds are, no. So this is why you want to get involved with the eBook publishing business. It gives you the chance to have the money and freedom we both know you deserve.

For more FREE information about how to make money on the Internet with your own home based eBook publishing venture, visit the eBook Secrets website by clicking on this link.

You'll discover a fantastic resource that I've put together for you that will help you launch and grow a profitable home based eBook business WITHOUT having to spend a lot of money on startup expenses. You can literally get started today. So go ahead and visit my eBook Secrets website today.

Yours For eBook Profits,
Ethan Evans


EBook 2 Book

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Ebook Marketing Tips - Secrets of Cashing in Big Time With Your Own Ebook

Ebook is an acronym for an electronic book and eBook writing is similar to regular book writing. The major difference between the two is that an eBook is usually significantly shorter and is printed electronically instead of being printed. This makes and eBook easily available to anybody who is interested in it as they download it immediately and get the information they need as opposed to going to a book shop and checking if it is available or not or ordering it and waiting for it to arrive.

Even an eBook had it limitations though as it could only be read on a computer. Products such as Kindle, which was introduced by Amazon, have made eBooks even more popular as you no longer need your large computer or laptop. You can now read the eBook using this nifty little portable device. Since the advent of the Kindle, more and more people are learning eBook writing in an attempt to cash in on this innovative money making opportunity.

How do you Write a Good Book?

If you are one of those who'd like to write an eBook, you need to know the basic premise of writing a book. A good book typically opens with a conflict that is resolved at the end of the book. This is true of non fiction as well as fiction books. An eBook will usually present a problem to the reader in the title of the book and then demonstrate the solution of the problem during the course of the book. In most cases, eBook writing is non-fiction writing that is usually used to sell an idea or a product.

Fabian Tan is a well-known Internet Marketing expert and the author of the popular 59-page Report:

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How To Write Your Own EBook(R) In 7 Days!