Thursday, September 25, 2008

ebooks: Stories for a New Generation

The cultures, ideas and stories of our predecessors on planet earth have been captured and shared with the generations that followed, through literature. Books allow us to learn from the mistakes of previous generations, and teach us to remember the enduring basics that make life in any age worth living.

While this rich literary tradition of passing down our stories through books is not likely to change in the coming generations, the way we read these books is certainly beginning to. The advent of eBooks has dramatically changed the way we approach reading. Books can now be downloaded directly onto your computer or another specified device where they can be stored and read via computer files.

While many lovers of literature are appalled by this cultural shift away from classically bound books, many of the younger generation are convinced that the ease eBooks provide are more than worth the sacrifice.

The versatility that eBooks afford readers can no longer be ignored. A whole library of books can be stored on a single laptop computer. This allows for reading large and varied amounts in any location, at any time, with minimal extra weight or burden.

eBooks can be purchased, often much cheaper than the tradition bound versions, and sometimes they can even be downloaded free through public domain. This removes yet another barrier for readers who are not willing to invest large amounts of money in order to expand their literary horizons, especially in an unstable economic time.

1 comment:

Jacob and Kalli Hiller said...

any idea how to add videos to ebooks? Nice blog by the way...