Wednesday, March 5, 2008

"Sure I want more energy, but DOES IT WORK???"

Yesterday I wrote to you about the "End Tiredness Program."

Sure, I know the name is a bit odd, but bottom line, follow the
program and you'll have MORE energy than you EVER thought

How do I know?

Personal experience, for one.

But don't take my word for it.

You'll see the proof below, in these answers to questions I
received about the program...

Q. "Sure I want more energy, but does the End Tiredness Program

A. Yes! The creators of the program placed an ad in the paper
looking for tired people (not too hard to find tired people,
they're EVERYWHERE.)

They accepted EVERYONE who applied, because they wanted to know
if these techniques work for everybody.

In just two weeks...

-- 98% of volunteers reported an increase in their energy levels
-- 81% reported a HIGH increase
-- 17% reported a moderate increase
-- 90% said they no longer had trouble getting up in the morning
(at the beginning of the study a staggering 94% said that they
had trouble getting out of bed in the morning)
-- 72% said they felt healthier
-- 87% said that they were able to think more clearly!

After one month...

-- Volunteers slept (on average) 1 hour and 28 minutes LESS than
-- 96% of volunteers said that they no longer had ANY problems
with tiredness!

I think these results speak for themselves, don't you?

Q. "What are the benefits of the End Tiredness Program?"

A. You'll have all the energy you need to easily finish all of
your daily tasks, AND you'll have enough energy left over to do
all the things you WANT to do.

Your ability to concentrate and your mental capacity will

You'll be surprised (shocked!) when you discover how much you're
actually able to achieve when tiredness is no longer holding you

You will start getting up easily in the morning. Imagine that!
When you open your eyes, you will feel completely refreshed and
ready to start a new day.

You will have a couple of hours of extra time each day because
you'll get stuff done faster, PLUS...

You'll need less sleep, which will give you even MORE time to do
the things you really love.

What are all the things you could do if only you had the time and

Or perhaps I should ask, what are the things you WILL do now that
you ARE going to have the time and energy?


Q. "Any other benefits?"

A. Yes! Think about this... Not being tired will improve your
health and boost your immune system.

After all, when you're tired, your immune system becomes weak and
you get sick more often. When you get rid of tiredness, your
general health and physical well-being improves.

And your relationships will most likely improve, too.

You'll have more time and energy for family and friends, and the
time you spend together will be of higher quality (because you'll
finally feel like DOING stuff, instead of acting like a couch

And, most importantly,

Now what's THAT worth to you???


P.S. Want to hear from someone else?

"Wow, this program really works and more. For years I felt tired
all the time, but doctors couldn't find anything wrong with me.
Now I have so much energy... it is so simple... I even sleep 2
hours less than before!

Sally Lester, 32, Wolverhampton, UK

What are YOU waiting for?

End Tiredness Program

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