Saturday, March 8, 2008

Don't you just HATE these people???

You know the ones I mean... they come to work all chipper and
happy, they sail through the day with more energy than you've had
since second grade, and they get more done in one hour than you
seem to accomplish all day.

Where do these people get their energy??

From the latest energy drink?

Hardly. Those things will pump you full of so much sugar, you'll
crash and burn within the hour.

Energy pills? Oh yeah, those are wonderful. Nothing like shaking
like a leaf for an hour or two, and then getting a splitting
headache when you stop taking the pills.

Maybe they're just BORN with more energy.


They've no doubt learned a few secrets about being energetic that
you DON'T know.

But don't despair... I've found the perfect solution for becoming
energetic and staying that way all morning, afternoon and

Now you can STOP feeling tired, stop feeling like your brain is
in a fog, and stop feeling like you're only running at half

The End Tiredness Program will show you EVERYTHING you need to
know to feel energetic the whole day through.

And no, the solution has nothing to do with getting more sleep.
In fact, odds are you're already sleeping TOO MUCH.

Did you know that Thomas Edison said...

"Most people oversleep 100 percent because they like it. That
extra 100 percent makes them unhealthy and inefficient. The
person who sleeps eight or ten hours a night is never fully
asleep and never fully awake - they have only different degrees
of doze through the twenty-four hours."

Wow, who knew? I sure didn't.

And listen to this...
Jay Leno sleeps 4 to 5 hours per night.
Martha Stewart sleeps 4 hours.
Nikola Tesla, 2 to 3 hours.
Margaret Thatcher, 4 hours.

So forget getting MORE sleep, that's NOT the answer.

And of course you KNOW that energy drinks aren't the answer. In
fact, not only do the effects of caffeine not last, meaning you
need more and more to get the same effect, but once you have too
much caffeine, THAT can make you tired, too!

Plus caffeine causes anemia (iron deficiency) and vitamin B
deficiency, both of which will make you MORE tired.

And caffeine and other stimulants treat the SYMPTOM of tiredness.

They don't treat the cause.

The fact is, you're going to have to unlearn some bad habits, and
replace them with the right habits that lead to MEGA-energy that
lasts though out your day.

And once you're feeling so energetic you could just shout for
joy, you'll wonder how you ever put up with feeling tired all the

To find out how to banish fatigue and tiredness once and for all,
and have the energy you deserve, click here...

P.S. You truly don't have to be tired all the time, or ever.

Discover how to treat the CAUSE of tiredness, and rediscover how
life should be lived... to the MAX!

End Tiredness Program:

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