Saturday, March 8, 2008

Looook Into My Eyeeeees......

Do you think of hypnosis as a trick performed by stage

Or maybe something done in a hypnotist's office to help smokers

You're right, these are types of hypnosis, but they're not the
most common kind.

In fact, hypnosis is being used all around you, and even ON you.

Have you watched TV today?

Read a fascinating email?

Spoken with someone who held your undivided attention?

Odds are good that you were in a type of trance or hypnotic state
without even realizing it.

The good news is, YOU can use hypnosis to your advantage, too.

Would you like to...

--Influence anyone to do as you suggest?
--Get customers to buy more, and buy more often?
--Become a master negotiator?
--Compel your colleagues to do what you suggest?
--Get almost anyone to say "Yes"?
--Easily convince your children to do what you tell them?
--Keep your spouse eternally loyal?

If you want to easily influence people to do what you want...

...and do it in such a way that they are eager and happy to

...and they have NO IDEA that you've used hypnosis on them...

...then check this out...

With Conversational Hypnosis, you will quickly and easily put
people under your spell and get them to do what you want.

Your relationships will improve.

You'll have instant rapport on demand.

And everyone will treat you with new respect.

And you'll do all this simply by TALKING to them in a natural,
easy manner that you'll quickly master.

No one will know what's different about you, or why they follow
your instructions, jump at your commands, or listen in rapt
attention at every word you utter.

They won't know why they're eager to agree with you, eager to
follow your lead, and eager to simply be near you.

Conversational Hypnosis gives you complete, almost unfair
advantage in...
...sales situations,
...on the job, negotiations,
...on dates, and
...when persuading friends and family members.

Conversational Hypnosis works like'll get absolutely
amazing results every time you use it.

P.S. No matter what you do in life, you're constantly trying to
persuade others...

...whether it's making the big sale...

...getting the promotion or the choice jobs...

...or convincing that gorgeous spouse of yours to see things your

You can either continue to "win some, lose some," or you can
discover how to easily persuade others to your point of view
nearly every single time, with almost no effort.

It's like magic, and YOU hold the power!

Learn Hypnosis - Hypnosis Training Foundations - Hypnosis Book + Cds/Dvds + Tapes + MP3s

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